Thursday, June 10, 2010

Some more Brandin'

Good old Curt Pinder let us talk him into using the horses and ropes to do his calves this year, we were all pretty much rookies at it but we got em done. We tried a little of everything, head and heels, we tried the Nordfork, Hell we tried everything and boy did we have fun. Tender and Kash sure look good with a rope between them, and that sexy blonde Natalie on Kash is sure handy with that 60 footer.
So there we all were. Shane, Craig, Natalie, Jeremy, Curt and Me. Shane and Craig did it MAN style, and Ill prove it with this Video, Watch with caution!!!! It is pg-13 for sure. Man we had a good time!!!!


James and Jade Bethers said...

Nothing like rocky mountain oysters sushi style! YUM!!!!!!

Its Time to Live said...

eeeeee yaaaaa!