Thursday, June 10, 2010


So, tuesday morning Chester called and said he was Branding in the morning and asked if a few of us wanted to come help. Well hell yes we did, I had to work the night before so I went in at 6pm and snuck out early at 3 the next morning. I went home saddled my mount and headed for Idaho. I met Shane, Tweety, and Chris where we all piled in the same pickup and headed for Chesters just outside of Twin falls ID. we drove a two track for an hour or so, unloaded the horses and trotted out the 3 miles to start gathering. when we had 300 head or so we started them for the trucks. I got a few pictures of the gathering but when we got the riatas out I forgot about pictures and started in with the rest of the crew. Good thing shane was there, I stole a few pics from him so you all could see the action.

Shane, on his trusty steed.

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